世界文学研究  >> Vol. 1 No. 2 (September 2013)

Tianxiang and the Transformation of Wang-Anyi’s Works

DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2013.12003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,965  浏览: 10,021 

作者: 於璐*:南京大学中国新文学研究中心,南京

关键词: 王安忆《天香》《红楼梦》转型Wang-Anyi; Tianxiang; A Dream of Red Mansions; Transformation



Abstract: From A  Song of Everlasting Sorrow to Fupin and Harvesting Water Caltrops and Lotus Rroots, Wang-Anyi has been trying to find the essence ofShanghaispirit in her works. However, her novels may be flooded by a large amount of details when too much attention is paid to the everyday life. Tianxiang, following Ambitious Heroes Around, represents an important transformation in her writings. Wang-Anyi createsTianxiangGardenin the novel, whose structure is different from the garden in A Dream of Red Mansions, searching the politeness taste in everyday life and elevating mental level. TheShanghaispirit which Wang- Anyi tries to find is a vulgar attitude combined with politeness.   

文章引用: 於璐. 从《天香》看王安忆创作的转型[J]. 世界文学研究, 2013, 1(2): 14-18.


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