Research on Paradox and its Related Problems(2)

DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51018, PDF, 下载: 43  浏览: 82 

作者: 沈卫国:区域供热编辑部,北京,中国

关键词: 悖论罗素悖论说谎者悖论理查德悖论理发师悖论贝里悖论格瑞林悖论悖论定义哥德尔定理康托对角线法对角线引理Paradox Russell’s Paradox the Liar’s Paradox Richard’s Paradox the Barber’s Paradox Berry’s Paradox Greering’s Paradox Definition of Paradox Godel’s Theorem Cantor Diagonal Method Diagonal Lemma

摘要: 对悖论的表述、定义、成因、解悖等方面进行了深入探讨。涉及罗素悖论、说谎者悖论、理查德悖论、贝里悖论、格瑞林悖论等,并对与悖论密切相关的康托对角线法、对角线引理、哥德尔定理等进行了系统、彻底的分析。对实质蕴涵悖论也进行了讨论。同时,对相关悖论文献的得失也有所评论。
Abstract: This paper discusses the expression, definition, cause and solution of paradox. It involves Russell’s paradox, liar’s paradox, Richard’s paradox, Berry’s paradox, Greering’s paradox, etc., and makes a systematic and thorough analysis of Cantor’s diagonal method, diagonal lemma and Godel’s theorem, which are closely related to the paradox. The paradox of essential implication is also discussed. At the same time, some comments are also made on the gains and losses of related paradoxical literature.

文章引用: 沈卫国. 悖论及相关问题的研究(二)[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-25. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51018


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