AP  >>Vol. 4 No. 3 (May 2014)

    The Role of Episodic and Semantic Memory in Episodic Future Thinking

  • 全文免费下载:(371KB) PP.496-505 DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43068


王 彤:西南大学心理学部,重庆

未来情景思考情景记忆语义记忆Episodic Future Thinking Episodic Memory Semantic Memory


Episodic future thinking (EFT) is the psychological process which projects someone to think and experience future event in advance. It depends on human memory in a large part. Therefore, it is a shortcut to understand cognitive and brain mechanism of the EFT from memory studies. The abundant evidences from behavioral and neuroscience researches suggest that episodic and semantic memories play important roles in this process. Semantic memory appears to provide framework whiling episodic memory provides episodic details. A successful EFT likely comprises various episodic and semantic details that are flexibly recombined to create a coherent and integrated representation of a specific future event. Thus, the future researching directions are to figure out the way of different types of memory contributing to EFT and whether different future events are equally dependent on the different types of memory, and to make it clear that how different types of memory contribute to EFT dynamically. Depending on these researches, the specific functions of memory in EFT will be certain.  


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