The IsogonalLine and the Isogonal Conjugate Points on the Spherical Triangle

DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51015, PDF, 下载: 66  浏览: 297 

作者: 李兴源:中银信用卡(国际)有限公司,香港,中国

关键词: 等角线球面三角形梅涅劳斯定理塞瓦定理等角共轭点Isogonal Line Spherical Triangle Menelaus’s Theorem Ceva’s Theorem Isogonal Conjugate Points

摘要: 本文将平面几何中的三角形等角线定理与角平分线定理推广至球面几何的球面三角形中,并通过球面三角形的梅涅劳斯定理和塞瓦定理给出了球面三角形中等角共轭点的概念。
Abstract: In this paper, we spread the triangle isogonal line theorem and angle bisector theorem in plane geometry to the spherical triangle in spherical geometry, the concept of isogonal conjugate pointsin spherical triangle is given by proving Menelaus’s theorem and Ceva’s theorem of spherical triangle.

文章引用: 李兴源. 球面三角形的等角线与等角共轭点[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51015


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