2023年通辽市科左中旗两次强降水过程特征分析Analysis of the Characteristics of Two Heavy Precipitation Processes in Horqin Left Middle Banner, Tongliao City in 2023
金 爽 下载量: 234 浏览量: 737
气候变化研究快报 Vol.13 No.2, March 28 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ccrl.2024.132040 被引量
气候变化背景下中国潜在颠覆性低碳技术识别及其分布特征研究——基于专利被引次数的POT模型Study on the Identification and Distribution Characteristics of Potential Subversive Low Carbon Technology in China under the Background of Climate Change—Pot Model Based on the Number of Times of Citations
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低碳经济 Vol.8 No.1, February 22 2019, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/JLCE.2019.81002 被引量
乌鲁木齐机场一次高影响东南大风天气分析Analysis of a High Impact Southeast Gale Weather at Urumqi Airport
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气候变化研究快报 Vol.13 No.1, January 26 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CCRL.2024.131019 被引量
从政治及军事角度看“郑伯克段于鄢”中“鄢”地之所在 From the Political and Military Point of View, the Location of “Zheng Bo Ke Duan” in “Yan
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数据结构与算法课程实验建设探索Exploration on Experimental Course Construction of Data Structure and Algorithm
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教育进展 Vol.11 No.5, August 26 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/AE.2021.115227 被引量
超额剩余价值的来源——基于“自创论”的思考The Source of Excess Residual Value—Thinking Based on “Self-Creationism
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社会科学前沿 Vol.12 No.7, July 31 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/ASS.2023.127558 被引量
基于KJ-KANO模型的人宠共用家具设计Design of Shared Furniture for People and Pets Based on KJ-KANO Model
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我国减负政策的回顾与展望——基于NVivo12.0的政策文本分析Retrospect and Prospect of Burden Reduction Policy in China—A Policy Text Analysis Based on NVivo12.0
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创新教育研究 Vol.11 No.6, June 30 2023, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CES.2023.116237 被引量
惠水县2018年冬季连阴雨天气过程分析Analysis of the Continuous rainy Weather Process in the Winter of 2018 in Huishui County
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气候变化研究快报 Vol.11 No.6, November 15 2022, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/CCRL.2022.116098 被引量
基于AHP的车路协同系统综合测评方法及实证研究A Comprehensive Evaluation Approach for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System Using AHP Method
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交通技术 Vol.10 No.5, September 7 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/OJTT.2021.105038 被引量