人才强国战略背景下经管人才培养的问题与对策分析An Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures in Cultivating Management Talents under the Background of the Talent Building Strategy
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现代管理 Vol.14 No.5, May 15 2024, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/mm.2024.145102 被引量
失眠与脑血流改变的研究进展Progress in Insomnia and Change of Cerebral Blood Flow
李征, 吕梦頔, 万亚会, 薛 蓉 下载量: 533 浏览量: 1,670
国际神经精神科学杂志 Vol.10 No.2, May 18 2021, PDF, HTML, XML DOI:10.12677/IJPN.2021.102007 被引量