Determination of Amino Acid Content of Collagen in Medical Macromolecules
DOI: 10.12677/HJMCe.2017.54010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,485  浏览: 3,329  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王铨, 王晓平, 张钧年, 范芙琴, 张保库:青海全益药业有限公司,青海 海东
关键词: 氨基酸含量含量测定胶原蛋白胶原蛋白材料Amino Acid Content Content Determination Collagen Collagen Material
摘要: 医用胶原蛋白大分子材料经酸水解后,采用异硫氰酸苯酯衍生,经反相液相色谱分离,使用紫外检测器检测,根据保留时间定性峰面积比较进行定量。医用胶原蛋白大分子材料中测出18种氨基酸,总含量为93.25%。
Abstract: Medical collagen macromolecular material is hydrolyzed. Phenyl isothiocyanate was used. It was separated by HPLC and tested by ultraviolet detector. According to the retention time qualitative peak area comparison is quantitative. Eighteen amino acids were detected in the medical collagen macromolecule material. The total content is 93.25%.
文章引用:王铨, 王晓平, 张钧年, 范芙琴, 张保库. 医用大分子胶原蛋白氨基酸含量的测定[J]. 药物化学, 2017, 5(4): 64-68. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJMCe.2017.54010


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