Application of Evergreen Broad-Leaf Plants of Landscape in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
摘要: 常绿阔叶植物具有四季常青的特点,是北方冬天的珍稀佳景,有助于改进京津冀地区冬季萧条的景观,提升城市品位和改善城市人居环境。因此,城镇园林景观的规划建设中常绿阔叶植物的选择和应用受到青睐。本文对京津冀地区常绿阔叶植物在园林中的应用进行了调查分析,根据其中存在的问题提出合理化建议,以期为今后京津冀地区城市园林建设更好的应用常绿树种,发挥其生态、文化和经济功能提供参考依据。
Abstract: Evergreen broad-leaved plants are rare and beautiful scenery in northern winter because of ev-ergreen all the year round. They can help improve the winter depression landscape in Bei-jing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, improving city grade and urban residential environment. Therefore, the selection and application of evergreen plants in landscape planning and construction are favored. In this paper, the investigation and analysis were made on application status of evergreen broad-leaved plants in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The improvement measures were put forward according to the existing problems, hoping to provide reference for better application of evergreen tree species in future urban landscape construction in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and give full play to their ecological, cultural and economic functions.
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