Study on Ultimate Hieroglyphics Source of Twenty-Six Latin Letters in English from the Perspective of Human and Thing
摘要: 掌握英文里的26个拉丁字母的本源对于学习英语至关重要。本文参考中文汉字里的象形文字发展历程,从人和物的视角探讨了公元前500年左右古罗马人确定的26个拉丁字母本源及其音形义。基于“以人为中心”的理念,从人的视角分析了18个拉丁字母的本源,包括人(A)、人的生存条件(B、C/G、D、P)、人的生存能力(E、N、O、M)、人的生活水平(I/J、H、Z、L、X)、国王和王后(K、Q);基于“四元素学说”,从物的视角剖析了8个拉丁字母的本源,包括土(T)、水(S)、风(F/U/V/W/Y)和火(R)。
Abstract: It is very important for English learners to study ultimate source of twenty-six Latin letters in English words. In this paper, we learned the development of hieroglyphics in Chinese characters and explored ultimate sources of twenty-six Latin letters and the corresponding form, pronunciation and meaning introduced by the ancient Romans around 500 BC from the perspective of human and thing. Based on the concept of “human centered”, the ultimate sources of eighteen Latin letters are analyzed from the perspective of human, including human (A), human living conditions (B, C/G, D, P), human survival ability (E, N, O, M), human living standard (I/J, H, Z, L, X), king and queen (K, Q). Based on the “four element theory”, the ultimate sources of eight Latin letters are analyzed from the perspective of thing, such as earth (T), water (S), air (F/U/V/W/Y) and fire (R).
文章引用:靳秀丽, 于锋. 从人和物的视角探讨英文中二十六个拉丁字母的象形本源[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2021, 6(1): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2021.61012
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