Study on Ultimate Hieroglyphics Origin of Latin Letters In English Via Chineselanguage Transfer
摘要: 英语单词中的拉丁字母是象形文字。类似于中文汉字的发展变化历程,拉丁字母在形成简单词、字母组合、词根词缀和复合词的过程中,也经历了象形、指事、会意、形声等变化。利用母语中文中的象形汉字来学习拉丁字母是学习和掌握英语单词的基础。本文根据“母语迁移”的相关理论,参考中文汉字的象形本源,基于拉丁字母的象形本源,探讨了几组特别相似的拉丁字母与汉字。从“人”的角度,分析了A与人、E与目(耳)、O与口、M与手(爪);从“物”的角度,分析了T与土、S与水、F与飞、R与火等。
Abstract: The Latin letters in English words are hieroglyphs. Similar to the development and changes of Chinese characters, Latin letters have also experienced changes in pictograph, pointing, understanding and phonogram in the process of forming simple words, letter combinations, stems, affixes and compound words. Using pictographic Chinese characters in native Chinese to learn Latin letters is the basis for learning and mastering English words. Herein, we study the pictographic origin of Latin letters via the pictographic origin of Chinese characters by using the theory of “native language transfer”, especially investigating several couples of Latin letters and Chinese characters which are particularly similar. Based on the perspective of “human”, wefocusonA and 人, E and 目 (耳), O and 口, M and 手(爪); Basedonthe perspective of “thing”, T and 土, S and 水, F and 飞, R and 火 are also discussed.
文章引用:靳秀丽, 于锋. 母语迁移理论下英文拉丁字母的象形本源浅析[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2021, 6(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2021.61013
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