Planck’s Constant Is not of Uniqueness
摘要: 在质量与其他物理量无关的前提下,可以证明量纲关系“能量 ≡ 质量 × 速度 × 速度”,以该关系为基础可以导出动量,动量对时间求导得到牛顿第二运动定律。基于牛顿第二定律定义的力的量纲,可以提出基本引力禀性常数的概念,导出一般形式的引力定律,其特例是万有引力定律。在引力定律的基础上,可以导出库仑定律。基于库仑定律可以导出普朗克常数的概念。在动量和普朗克常数的基础上,可以导出不确定性原理。指出了普朗克常数不具有唯一性。
Abstract: On the premise that the mass is independent of other physical quantities, the dimensional relation “energy ≡ mass × speed × speed” can be proved. Based on this dimensional relation, momentum can be derived, and Newton’s second law of motion can be obtained by deriving momentum from time. Based on the dimension of force defined by Newton’s second law, the fundamental gravitational intrinsic constant can be proposed. The general form of gravitational law is derived, and its special case is the law of universal gravitation. Based on the law of gravitation, Coulomb’s law can be derived. The concept of Planck’s constant can be derived based on Coulomb’s law. On the basis of momentum and Planck’s constant, the uncertainty principle can be derived. It is pointed out that Planck’s constant is not of uniqueness.
文章引用:王忆锋. 普朗克常数不具有唯一性[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2022, 7(1): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2022.71002
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