Origin and Evolution of Tumor Stem Cells and Theirniches in the Meridian System of Traditional Chinese Medicine—Evolution and Significance of a Vertebrate Stem Cell Niche Model
摘要: 不同种类干细胞巢的有序分布构成中医经络系统,干细胞巢君臣佐使理论认为,君臣两类成体干细胞产生的分化性衍生细胞自组织形成“细胞组织单元”,这是构成血管、神经纤维和疏松结缔组织等细胞组织结构功能形态的基本单位。《周易》等中外传统经典著作更加深刻地揭示了软件基因组及其八卦台离散分布在细胞质和细胞核中,产生的两大类调控分子一方面调控持家基因的转录表达,一方面与持家基因产物相互作用,共同决定了染色体上其他种类基因的选择性表达;软件基因组种类的多少及其差异表达,决定了经络系统两条干细胞分化链中的干细胞分化。只有四类持家基因ABCD以及两类持家基因MN在相对应软件基因组的严格调控下,才能确保蛋白质合成系统、细胞通讯等长期稳定地发挥正常功能,干细胞才能具有自我更新和持续分化能力,这决定了干细胞巢(3 + 1)模型的普适性。本文认为,生殖细胞分化链中,精母细胞或者卵母细胞的减数分裂与干细胞巢模型有着直接联系,因此能确定先天性干细胞巢(3 + 1)模型中的成员及其演变,在此基础上,初步阐述了肿瘤干细胞及其干细胞巢的产生形成机制。本文还指出,EG胚胎干细胞划分为七种,孤雌生殖中能够繁殖后代的卵子主要来源于第7种EG胚胎干细胞。
Abstract: The orderly distribution of different types of stem cell niches constitutes the meridian system in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The “monarch, minister, assistant and envoy” theory of stem cell niches holds that the cells produced by differentiation of adult stem cells form “cell tissue units” through self-organization, which are the basic structural and functional units of vessels, nerve fibers, and loose connective tissue. The Book of Changes and other traditional classics have more profoundly revealed that software genomes and Bagua (the eight diagrams) platforms are dispersed in the cytoplasm and nucleus and produce two classes of regulatory molecules. On one hand, these two classes of regulatory molecules regulate the expression of housekeeping genes. On the other hand, they interact with housekeeping genes to jointly determine the selective expression of other genes on chromosomes. The number of software genome types and their differential expression co-determine the differentiation of stem cells from the stem cell differentiation chains in the meridian system: and . Only under the strict regulation by the corresponding software genomes can four types of housekeeping genes ABCD and two types of housekeeping genes MN ensure the long-term and stable normal functions of protein synthesis system and normal cell communication, thus stem cells can have the capacity for self-renewal and sustainable differentiation, which determines the universality of stem cell niche models (3 + 1). In this paper, I reported that in the germ cell differentiation chain, the meiosis of spermatocytes or oocytes was directly related to the stem cell niche models, and therefore, the members of the congenital stem cell niche model (3 + 1) and their evolution can be determined. Based on these findings, I preliminarily clarify the mechanism underlying generation of tumor stem cells and their niches. I also pointed out that there are seven types of embryonic germ cells, and the eggs that can reproduce by parthenogenesis mainly come from type 7 embryonic germ cells.
文章引用:张建新. 中医经络系统中肿瘤干细胞及其干细胞巢的起源与进化——脊椎动物干细胞巢模型的演变及其意义[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2022, 7(1): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2022.71003


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