On the Role and Function of the Grassroots Society of the SanYi Religion—Based on a Survey of the Current Situation of the SanYi Religion in Xianyou County
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2022.71005, PDF, 下载: 203  浏览: 409  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王羿博:中央民族大学,哲学与宗教学学院,北京
关键词: 三一教宗教社会学社会功能宗教市场SanYi Religion Sociology of Religion Social Function Rodney Stark
摘要: 位于莆仙地区的三一教作为一个难以统计确切信徒规模、数量的宗教团体,在莆仙地区形成了独特的莆仙林龙江文化圈,而围绕这种文化所展开的一系列社会文化、宗教活动以及其基本载体——信徒,为社会带来的影响力成为了需要确切认识、分析并加以研究的对象。而三一教正是由于各个方面都采用了其他几个宗教的形式且使其有机的融合起来形成制度化的体系,才能够在“宗教市场”的残酷竞争当中战胜其他宗教及民间信仰,使得其他三教乃至于地方神被挤压到相对较小的角落当中去;也正是三一教实现的这种有机融合,兼其深厚社会责任感的指导,使得它在一定程度上实现了一种社会整合和社会协调的功能。
Abstract: As a religious group located in the Puxian area that is difficult to count the exact scale and number of believers, the Sany Sect in the Puxian area has formed a unique Puxian Forest Longjiang Cultural Circle, and the influence of a series of social cultures, religious activities and its basic carriers, be-lievers, around this culture has become the object that needs to be accurately understood, analyzed and studied. It is precisely because Trinity adopts the forms of several other religions in all aspects and organically integrates them to form an institutionalized system that it can defeat other reli-gions and folk beliefs in the cruel competition of the “religious market”, so that the other three reli-gions and even local gods are squeezed into relatively small corners; it is also this organic integra-tion achieved by Trinity and the guidance of its deep sense of social responsibility that it has real-ized a function of social integration and social coordination to a certain extent.
文章引用:王羿博. 论三一教的基层社会角色及功能——基于对仙游县三一教现状的调研[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2022, 7(1): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2022.71005


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