Gravity, Gravitational Fields, and Gravitons—Inference about the Frequency of Gravitational Energy Waves
DOI: 10.12677/AAS.2022.101001, PDF, 下载: 14  浏览: 99 
作者: 陈军利:西北工业大学电子信息学院,陕西 西安;康耀辉:中国电科五十五所化合物部,江苏 南京
关键词: 共振核子引力引力子Resonance Nucleus Gravity Graviton
摘要: 本文通过对共振的分析,提出了一个有关引力的推断:引力是频率为1.875 × 10^23 Hz的能量波,它的频率高于γ射线,能穿透任何物质,引力的最小单位是质子和中子(核子),每个质子和中子(核子)单位(1 s)时间最多可以发出0.937 × 10^23个引力子,引力子直径小于10^−20 m,两星球的引力与引力子传递的能量成正比,引力的作用距离是有限的,引力悖论不成立。
Abstract: Through the analysis of resonance, this paper puts forward an inference about gravitation: gravitation is an energy wave with a frequency of 1.875 × 10^23 Hz, its frequency is higher than that of gamma rays, and it can penetrate any matter. The smallest unit of gravitation is proton and neutral Sub (nucleon), each proton and neutron (nucleon) unit (1 s) time can emit a maximum of 0.937 × 10^23 graviton, the diameter of the graviton is less than 10^−20 m, the gravitational force of the two planets is in proportion to the transferred energy of gravitons. The action distance of gravitation is limited, and the gravitational paradox does not hold.
文章引用:陈军利, 康耀辉. 引力、引力场和引力子——关于引力能量波频率的推断[J]. 天文与天体物理, 2022, 10(1): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAS.2022.101001


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